Monday, May 30, 2011

How to unlock any combo lock with a can

Have you ever had a lock at home or on your bike that you forgot the combo to?
You then had to go and get a bolt cutter to destroy the lock and we all know that takes forever if you can even find one! Here I will show you how to make a lock picking device using only a metal can and scissors!

Step 1.

Find a metal can.
I started this series with a beer can but ended up cutting myself badly so I finished with a new ice tea can. You will notice the pictures switch half way in.

Step 2.

CAREFULLY cut the can top and bottom off like so.. Please be very careful not to cut yourself.

Step 3.

Next step is to cut the shape out.
Draw a M shape on the rectangle with a marker. The M should start out a quarter from the left of the square and should be about half a inch up from the bottom. It should curve down so the bottom part is a half inch in from the left and should look like this.

Step 4.

Simply cut and fold the can as shown in the picture. Use a ruler or something flat to flatten out the folds.

Step 5.

The best method to open it is to have the part of the shim that will go inside the lock on the outside of the bar. Push it down into the padlock, and then twist to unlock it. It can be very hard to master, don't give up. It will probably take a few minutes to get it to work. These are only good for a few uses, because they begin to crumple up and will no longer fit in the lock. A good practice technique is to use an open lock, look inside at the part you are trying to force open, and try moving it while the lock is open to see what you need to do when it is closed.


  1. I remember trying to do this to my friends locker a few years ago, fun.

  2. and that's supposed to work?
    i should give this a try.

  3. If it really works this could be useful.

  4. This actually makes sense... Why didn't I think of this?

  5. Oh darn... should have read this blog before I went and bought a bolt cutter. Oh well!

  6. i remember trying to do this one time :O i couldnt do it lol

  7. It could be useful for an emergency! Thanks a lot.

  8. I've seen a similar method to this, but I also fail at it lol. If it works for you though, that's awesome.

  9. I knew this before, but it's still alot of fun to do.

  10. Remind me not to be your roomate!

  11. Awesome. Keep up on these cool info posts, I'm loving it.

  12. That is insanely cool. I might just try to see if it actually works.

  13. I'll try this on a lock at work.

  14. We just switched to what I think is the Animas pump version of this kind of set. I am loving having less trash. No deodorant stick-sized inserter, no problem.look here
